Invest Wisely

Your Next Trading Platform

by Ryan Kinnar5 min read

Are you in the market for a new trading platform? Perhaps you’ve never tried one before because you’re new to investing. Whatever the case, you need to understand that you’ll only ever be able to invest as well as your platform allows. All the talent, knowledge, and foresight in the world won’t be good for much if you don’t have a platform that will allow you to reach your potential.

One thing you always need to consider about a trading platform is how much it’s going to cost you. There’s the upfront fee of course, but you also have to look at how much you’ll be charged for each trade. Depending on your strategy, these costs could add up quickly and even sink your revenue completely.

Next, what are you actually going to get from this platform? For many, you may simply want access to a broker who will handle your transactions. Those who are new to trading, though, will probably want a bit more help and resources that they can learn from. Most traders will want some hybrid version that makes trading easy, but still supplies them with lots of information.

Of course, you also have to make sure the platform you choose will support your kind of investing. If you trade options, you could find yourself accidentally signing up for a stock trading platform. That’s money down the drain.

At long last, your search is over. Options House is both affordable and customer-friendly with an easy application process that can get you started immediately. Stock trades cost one flat rate of just $4.75 with no ceiling on transactions. Options traders will pay only $0.15 a contract with an additional $8.50 base. Use our referral program to get other traders in on the action and we’ll actually pay you. That means potential profits are finally in your control.

