Top 10 Personal Finance Apps in the Market Today

For most of us, budgeting and financial planning is an unpleasant task and a lot of times we just simply avoid doing it. Which means we end up not keeping track of how we’re spending money. Well, thanks to technology, this chore needn’t been so painful any longer. We have personal finance apps that we can download and use to easily manage our finances.
Here is a list of the top 10 personal finance apps in the market today:
1. Mint(Free for both iOS and Android)
Mint by Intuit is a complete personal finance app. You not only get to track your expenses and income, but you can also track your overall financial situation. You can sync your bank account as well as credit cards so that you know exactly what you are doing with your money. Mint is considered the best personal finance app for managing your budget.

2. You Need a Budget($5 per month for iOS and Android)
The best personal finance app for managing your debt, YNAB is so popular that it has its own cult following. The app not only syncs all your devices, you can keep up to date on your budget even if your switch between iOS and Android. It even offers online classes with a live instructor who will teach you basic budgeting and answer all your questions.

3. Wally(Free for Android and iOS)
This free app is the best personal finance app if you are looking at simply tracking your expenses. With this app, you don’t need to manually log your expenses. You simply take a picture of the receipt, and if you use geo-location with this app, it will even fill in that information for you. The latest versions are called the Wally+ and Wally Next.

4. Mvelopes (Free for iOS and Android)
This app is based on the old-fashioned “envelope budgeting” philosophy – put your money in envelopes. Once the money in that envelope is finished, that’s it, you don’t have any more money to spend – until the next payday. Mvelopes just makes the whole process digital. You can sync all your accounts and credit cards to this app so have a complete picture of your budget.
There are three versions of this app – Mvelopes, Mvelopes Coaching and Mvelopes Premier. The first is free, while the other two – with added features – are subscription based.

5. PocketGuard(Free for iOS and Android)
The best all-in-one bank account tracker and budget manager that tells you how much you can safely spend in a day. The app connects to your bank and credit card accounts through a read-only, encrypted connection which ensures that you accounts remain secure. The app will automatically sort your purchases and other expenses and will factor in your previous spending patterns to let you know how much you can afford to spend.
The basic app is free for use but if you want upgrades then you need to pay for them.

6. Home Budget with Sync($4.99 on iOS and Android)
A great budget and expense management personal finance app that also offers a Family Sharing option. This means that users can set a budget and then sync multiple devices. The app will then collate information about expenses and income from all synced devices to give a complete overview of income and expenses for the family.
Home Budget with Sync on Google Play
Home Budget with Sync on the App Store

7. Dollarbird(Free for Android and iOS)
This app is designed to create calendar-centric budgets and expense views. The app also uses AI to help categorize your expenditure and income. You can then view all the information either on a timeline or through infographics.
While the basic app is free, you will need to buy a subscription for the premium app, which offers more features such as multiple budgeting calendars that can be shared with other users.

8. Clarity Money(Free for Android and iOS)
A personal finance app to help you manage and save money. You need to link your bank and credit card accounts to this app. Clarity will then analyze your spending habits and then will offer insights on how you can save money and will also help you create a budget within which to live. You can also set a savings goal, where the app will take a set amount of money from your bank account and put it in a savings account as savings for you.
Clarity Money on the App Store

9. Fudget(Free for Android and iOS)
Fudget is one of the simplest, no frills money management personal finance apps in the market. All you need to do is input income and expenses which can be labeled or ordered into a simple timeline, with the total balance being displayed at the bottom of the screen.
While the basic app is free, it does have in-app purchases that allow you remove ads, have customized wall paper and use an in-app calculator.

10. Spendee(Free for Android and iOS)
A really loaded personal finance app that not just tracks expenses but also helps with actual budgeting. The app comes with budget tracking tools, options to take pictures of bills and receipts, infographics on spending and a break-down on what you’re spending your money on.
While the basic app is free, you can upgrade to a premium subscription where you can create multiple budgets and sync data.

Whichever app you decide to choose, the basic idea is still manage your finances appropriately so that you can have a worry free future.