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Social Security Disability Login: Things You Should Know

by Megan Roth5 min read
Social Security Disability Login: Things You Should Know

If you plan to claim disability benefits from Social Security, there is a process that you need to follow. For social security disability login, the Social Security Administration webpage has an online account where people claiming for benefits can sign in, get information and view their status.

Once you sign in, you can use the my Social Security account to obtain many records that pertain to your claim.  You may get your benefit verification letter, check your benefit and payment information and your earnings record, start or change direct deposit of your benefit payment, or to get your Social Security Statement.


What You Need to Have before Social Security Disability Login

Disability claims are processed in various ways – through SSA field offices, state agencies called Disability Determination Services, or by filing online.  By far, the latter is the best option especially if you are not very mobile due to your condition. Before social security disability login, you should be ready with the following information: a list of your impairment/s, treatment sources, and doctor, therapist or carer’s contact details. You also need to give the following information: age, employment, marital status, and Social Security coverage information.


In addition to the basic application information, you need to fill out other forms. One form gathers facts about your medical condition and how it affects your ability to work.  Another form gives people who have treated you, including doctors, clinics, hospitals, and other healthcare professionals and establishments, permission to send SSA information.


Disability Determination

You need to follow the steps in disability determination before getting benefits approval. Most claims undergo a certain process through Social Security Administration field offices or Disability Determination Services (DDSs).

The DDS is a funded federal agency which is in charge of investigating the medical evidence and determining whether or not the claimant can be classified as disabled under the law. The DDS gets primary evidence first from all the sources that the claimant provided. Disability examiners are also required to acquire current medical evidence about your activities of daily living (ADL). If these sources prove to be insufficient, the DDS will obtain additional information by scheduling a consultative examination.

The lesson to be learned here is that claimants should get the records from all their treatment sources and get as many records as far back as possible.  You want to cover all bases because if this is not the case, your application might take months to process.  Many people have done social security disability login again and again only to find out that their application process is still pending.

Once you go through Social Security disability login, you can check your account for an updated status of your claim.  If it says Disability Determination Decision under Review, it simply means that your application is still being scrutinized for processing accuracy. The whole process can take 60 days or less.

It is a good idea to find out beforehand all the requirements and the criteria for being classified as disabled and eligible for claiming disability benefits.