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How to Safeguard Car Accident Compensation Claim

by Ryan Kinnar5 min read
All about car accident compensation claim

Car accidents nowadays have become more frequent, with drivers getting injured from time to time. If you have been injured in such accident, keep in mind that it is only natural for you to be skeptical about whatever offer is on the table. And mind you, today’s adjustors and insurance companies are fond of the so-called “delay and deny” tactics which is meant to lower or even deny car accident compensation claim. This is the main reason why most, if not all, accident victims decide to settle their own claims early on. What is even worse is that they do this before they could even consider the facts and hire a lawyer.


It is only right for you to acquire a full and fair compensation. And with proper guidelines and tips, you should cheese your way into this complex process. Below are tips that you should keep in mind if you are looking to build a strong case against an insurance company of the driver that injured you.


What to do with a car accident compensation claim
What tactics are meant to lower or even deny car accident compensation claim


Make Sure to Involve the Police

Whenever a car accident occurs, the very first you need to do is to call the police. And make sure you do this at the time the accident happens even if it is minor. The police will be there to assist and, more importantly, dispatch medical help if deemed necessary. An initial investigation will then be performed in order for the police to create and issue a report.


It is no secret that the presence of the authority in an accident is quite important, especially in protecting your car accident compensation claim. For starters, it helps in establishing evidence and facts which are used as proof of your compensation claim. Without a police report, you could face a huge problem when arguing with insurance companies regarding the accident. You would not be able to lay down facts with them, let alone blame the other driver for the accident.



Consider Local Car Accident Compensation Claim Lawyer

This is where an experienced attorney will really lend you hand big time. He/she will be there to help you avoid a number of legal mistakes, something that rookie drivers do when a car accident occurs. You see, these mistakes may lead to a weaken case despite having a strong proof. A good lawyer is someone who is fully aware of the statute of limitations that concerns a certain personal injury case. Even more so, this will ensure that the said case progresses within a particular timeline. In addition, the lawyer will keep track of your medical treatment; otherwise, the medical cost will not remain reasonable. More importantly, he/she will be your legal representative who will protect your interests when the demand for fair settlement surfaces.


Remember to Take Pictures

Leaving the scene of the car accident without taking any photo is a huge mistake and will prohibit you from acquiring an acceptable car accident compensation claim. Besides, it is not a tiring thing to do. Just take out your device and take pictures of damaged areas in the vehicle. Take as much photo as you can, so you can use them in filing compensation claim. Remember to keep these images yourself in order to safeguard your case.


Photos and your car accident compensation claim
Take pictures is important when you filea car accident compensation claim


Go See a Doctor

Even if your injury is minor, you should go see a doctor immediately. Do not just ignore it, as some injuries tend to manifest days, weeks, or even months after a car accident. And if you are in pain anywhere in your body such as joints and muscles, seek medical attention right away. You want someone who is an expert in medication to get you diagnosed and treated accordingly. Also, a visit to the doctor will be used to document your injuries, though it is primarily for jumpstarting immediate treatment. And as long as your treatment is properly documented, which obviously is, you should have no problem adding this as compensation in your claim.


Lastly, it is important that you do not miss any single doctor’s appointment. Do not even think of allowing gaps in between your medical treatment. Aside from recovery purposes, doing so will only weaken your case even if you skip a single visit. The insurance company will argue that you are not really hurt at all or the injuries you sustained are not that serious. And when this happens, expect an end result where your compensation will either be lowered or denied.



Have Realistic Expectations

This is perhaps the most common mistakes people do following a car accident. They simply have these unrealistic expectations about their compensation when it is not really the exact worth. Keep in mind that the size of a final settlement is synonymous with the injury’s seriousness. And since injuries can vary widely on a case-by-case basis, it is only expected for an insurance company to require documentation and proof in determining a final compensation. At the end of the day, it is you who knows exactly how serious your injuries are and what sort of compensation you should receive.


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